To support and promote the fine craft of clay and glass created in the San Joaquin Valley
With the intent for local ceramic artists to share knowledge of their craft with others and the public, the San Joaquin Clay and Glass Association was formed in 1981 by Bob Kizziar & Chris Culver with the help of Robert Barnett of the Fresno Art Center Board (now the Fresno Arts Museum).
After putting an Ad in the Fresno Bee around 50 local artists attended at the Fresno Art Center and with some bylaws established the group was official. Ceramic and clay centric events called “Mud Madness” were held at the Fresno Arts Center until it was decided that more types of art such as Glass work should be incorporated as well.
With the help of Caroll Wyneken the events and sales began to be held at the Redeemer Lutheran Church and are still held there twice a year.
Using their vast network of friends and colleagues Bob Kizzar and Jim Shepard started holding workshops and we hope to continue this tradition after staying strong for 42 years.